Monday, July 16, 2007

A stroll down random lane

1. I love full house, i still have a crush on Unle Jesse.

2. I wish careers weren't the main center of life, if we didn't have to work i feel like we could live more naturally, be with who we wanted to be with, live wherever we wanted to and whenever we wanted to.

3. Sometimes when i'm in a bad mood, i just go around the house, turn on all the lights and then i feel better, i guess the light makes me happy.

4. I was in karate for almost a year, when i was eight,then one day a boy was teasing me and i punched him in the stomach, then i learned, "that's not self defense".

5. Ok i'm wasting all my random facts on karate, but this is kind of funny, after a couple weeks (before number 4) i decided to try out my new moves on my great uncle, (geez that sounds bad now that i write it) but anyway i ended up giving him some rendition of a round house kick to the face and since then i've really tried to stay away from karate....i don't think it's my thing.

6. I absolutely hate being lonely, i would rather live in a cardboard box with all my friends around, than live in a huge lonely mansion and have all the money in the world.

7. I love riding my bike in the city, it's a crazy rush, especially when you turn left.

8. I want to be a famous makeup atrist, but behind the scenes, i don't want anyone to know what i look like.


Laura said...

I totally agree with the career thing. I wish that we didn't revolve our lives on the fact of making a living to pay for the stuff that keeps us together, but in essence it keeps us apart. Yuck!

Dave said...

i like your style.

Chel said...

Hey city girl!
Which uncle did you give a kick to? I don't remember that! I know you will be a very talented-whatever you want to be! I hope you do end up being a make up artist, that would be cool!and starting tomorrow you will be on the path to acheive that goal!
Oh yeah, is that why all the lights used to be on when I would come home! Maybe once you get your first electric bill you will light candles instead! Love YA!

Andrew said...

Creepy coffee kid is staring at me because I am laughing at the 'roundhouse kick to the face'..........we should date.

Sam said...

Yeah, some old lady is looking at me funny right now too. Very funny stuff.

lyndsay said...

it was uncle roger, mom, in kentucky

Leah Elizabeth said...

Hey Lynds. I got one of these things now :) I don't really know how to use it yet. But just thought i'd say hello. I love and miss you lots.

Chel said...